Category:  Features

By OzBoxLive, June 1, 2010 Features, News

Welcome to OzBoxLive. As of June 1st 2010 we are officially live and open for business. Your new one stop shop for game features, previews, reviews, community interaction and a unique Australian Xbox 360 podcast. OzBoxLive, the new wave of video game journalism!

By OzBoxLive, March 21, 2010 Features, Games

Ask any Xbox 360 fan what they are looking forward to in 2010 and invariably the answer will involve the words Halo: Reach. Bungie’s seminal first person shooter series has evolved a lot over the years and had many highs and lows, but the one thing that has remained at a constantly high level has been the level of interaction between the game, Bungie themselves and the games community.

By Mathew Farrugia, February 11, 2010 Features, News

“I love computer science. It is the only science that is bounded solely by our imagination… nothing else.” These are the words Robbie Bach (President of Entertainment & Devices) said at the press conference on February 9th in Sydney that made me feel sort of happy inside, he seems like a very inspiring person.