Date for the new generation Xbox announcement

If you are on Xbox Live you no doubt will have received an email this morning with some exciting news – “Xbox: A New Generation Revealed”. Yes folks this is it, we now have a date for the special event being run to announce the next Xbox console! So go and mark May 22 in your calendar my Australian friends, and get set to get up early for it, because this is it! Here are the local times for Australia to watch the event live:

  • Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane: 3 am
  • Adelaide, Darwin: 2:30 am
  • Perth: 1 am

So go and put this in to your calendar now boys and girls, and get excited! You will be able to watch the announcement live through, or on your Xbox (I would guess through an app like the event viewer one they have used for E3 press briefings in the past). We now have the next 27 days to speculate over what is going to be announced though – if you are a twitter user keep an eye on the hash tag #XboxReveal (or even if you’re not on twitter you can still look at the search stream for the hash tag). Lets get a conversation going now though – what do you think they are going to include in the announcement? What new features will make the cut? What is your wildest hope for the new Xbox? Let us know in the comments!


Author: Brian Farnhill View all posts by
SharePoint expert by day and avid gamer by night. Favouring action and RPG games, an artist with explosive weapons in games and can’t ever be trusted with a sniper rifle. Brian is always going to be playing with the latest toys and games.

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