Category: E3
In exactly one week from now Microsoft will start their keynote presentation focusing on the future of the next generation in gaming entertainment with the Xbox One.
I have finally arrived in Los Angeles for E3 2012 and am preparing for all the interviews, presentations, booth babes, games and more. I thought I would take this time to talk about The Journey I have had so far…. Read More »
Elt0r takes a quick look at what Microsoft had to offer at its E3 press Conference. What tricks did they have up their sleeves? Besides old and new gaming friends coming to light, the Kinect accessory played a big part.
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E3 is 24 hours away, the stage is set… so what do we dare dream of being revealed? Our “man on the ground”, CardShark 360, lists what he hopes to see come to light for a 2011/12 release schedule.
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E3, the quintessential videogame conference, is approaching fast, so GoneX shares what should be, what could be and what probably is just wishful thinking.
Agree? Disagree? Read on to see what’s (hopefully) on the cards…