Category:  Previews

By Elliott Campbell, October 14, 2010 Features, Previews

The new James Bond game is on it way and its set to go off with a Bang. With a whole new gameplay and story. Fast cars, Speeding boats and the good old gun fight and hand to hand fight. Sit back for an Action packed ride.
The name is Bond..James Bond

By David Rowe, September 20, 2010 Features, Previews

Rock ‘n’ Roll, thats what Guitar Hero is!! Plain old Trev rocks out to give you a preview of the upcoming Guitar hero game Warriors of Rock. Want to know what new features are coming? Read on and you’ll find out…

By David Rowe, September 17, 2010 Features, Previews

Here is a preview of EA Sports latest NBA game “NBA Elite 11” coming to the Xbox 360. Plain old Trev jumps in to show you a preview of the games vision and what they look to do with the NBA Franchise. Want to know what it’s shaping up to be? Keep reading…