Xbox 360 Reviews

Castlevania Lords Of Shadow 2 (REVIEWS, Xbox 360)
March 3, 2014 -OzBoxLive Review | Daniel checks out Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2. Have a look what he has to say about this latest entry in the series and if it is worth your time playing as the great and powerful Dracula.

Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragons Keep (REVIEWS, Xbox 360)
July 7, 2013 -Borderlands 2 is one of the great FPS games on the 360, and this new DLC makes it even better, read why Brian Farnhill found it so amazing!

Remember Me (REVIEWS, Xbox 360)
June 27, 2013 -OzBoxLive Review | Jumping around on buildings? Beating people up? Messing with memories? What’s not to love! Check out Anthony’s review for Remember Me.

Dead Island: Riptide (REVIEWS, Xbox 360)
May 27, 2013 -OzBoxLive Review | Thought the holiday from hell was over? Guess again! Come Check out what Anthony thinks of the new game from Techland, Dead Island: Riptide.

Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen (REVIEWS, Xbox 360)
May 25, 2013 -OzBoxLive Review | Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen is an expansion to the original Dragons Dogma, Brian Farnhill takes this RPG for a spin to see what new content it brings to the table and what the game has to offer to the role playing crowd