Xbox One Reviews

June 1, 2014 -OzBoxLive Review | TITANFALL – Check out what Daniel has to say when he gets to live his dream and take charge of a TITAN as well as endless wall running whilst shooting up, down, left and right.

NBA 2K14 (REVIEWS, Xbox One)
May 7, 2014 -OzBoxLive Review | NBA 2K14 – Daniel gives us the low down of one of his favourite basketball game franchises. Check out why he has been playing this since the Xbox One launch and why he highly recommends this game to everyone…

Killer Instinct (REVIEWS, Xbox One)
April 16, 2014 -OzBoxLive Review | Killer Instinct – Now that Season One is complete Kaedin checks out this Xbox One Xclusive launch title and shares the intricacies of this fan favourite fighter.

Thief (REVIEWS, Xbox One)
March 12, 2014 -OzBoxLive Review | Check out what Kaedin has to say when he steps into the shoes of Garrett, the Master Thief.

Max: The Curse of Brotherhood (REVIEWS, Xbox One)
January 28, 2014 -OzBoxLive Review | New console, new features, new downloadable games. What does Max: The Curse of Brotherhood bring to the table, and how does it fare? David takes a closer look…